Monday, July 21, 2014

Today if you in business or not access to the best possible credit programs  for products / services, mortgages, loans/financing even inventory, car insurance rates even getting places to live and then some . May hinge on your over all credit rating or FICA and Business  scoring.

Their are things you  should do right now to get control of this information.
First get a copy of your credit report, you can get a free copy once a year or you can get a tri-merge copy of a credit report by going to one of the three major credit bureaus and pay for one that has a FICA score on it.
For  Business and individuals or couples you have the legal right to challenge items on your report that may not be correct. As a business you also have the right  to improve your business over all rating.
So if you need some help want to work with a firm that doesn't charge you first before hand. . Take a minute and  e mail your questions to , today. (No cost No obligation)

Your in business to grow and prosper, to accomplish that from time to time need some help.

For some it may be a way to help your customer finance your goods or services. For others a better way to gain access to capital for most business Debts, inventory, cover slow season and more.

What can we do to help you now?

Regards Sandy Shapiro

Visit us at

Call or Fax 24/7 206-309-3784

E mail any questions you may have to

Business loans- Lease Financing-Factoring-Consumer Financing-Bridge and Hard Money Loans-Commercial Real Estate Financing-Contract Financing-Franchise Financing-Health Care and Medical Financing-Production Financing-Merchant Cash Advance-Accounts Receivable Financing-Debt Settlement-Credit repair

Ask us about our credit repair program. Its really can make a difference in your credit score now . The higher the score the lower your rate.

Been in business for six months or more lets talk today.

You don't have to break the bank to make it happen with us

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