Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Getting to were you want to go

Your in business maybe your business is new or your already established.

No matter you have two things in common one the need to grow and two to find, hire and train others to help.

That is our two areas of expertise we help your grow.
First setting our to get you equal access to funds needed then to offer an effective and positive, goal oriented program to help new people gain a more fuller positive understanding of what their are about to do or in some cases doing. As well as how their abilities and capabilities can help or hurt them in succeeding.

Take a peek at our web site at see what you think about us.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Credit credit who has the credit?

Many financial institutions look at the black and white only fica or other scoring to make their credit decision it is  what it is to them. Anyone can take an application turn it in to someone and have them make a decision. or worse yet tell you they have a product that is not based on good credit but cash flow like your credit cards. Or a one shoe to fit all need.

Facts are facts and what is is, however going the extra mile means stopping and look at what is and what can be.

Remember a credit manager what’s that warm and comfy felling that a loan will not go bad.

What I do  isn't rocket science its paying attention to what you want to accomplish and finding ways to work together to get you going now.

Need some help with yoiur business go ahead ask me how.


Monday, August 18, 2014


 Want a simple effective and progressive way to increase your sales?

Finance it for them-

Two programs that work for you and your business:

1-Good credit gets 82% financed Not so good credit 78% financed from 500.00 up to 8,500.00 with 6 to 48 month terms.

You make a sale client gets your product or service now.

Want more information or to get started.

Have a question go ahead ask me how or just e mailed to me directly at

Your in business to do business let us help you now go ahead make our day.

Sandy Shapiro
Call: 24/7 3474531732

Helping improve your credit may just help you get to were your business needs to go now.
No matter the size , type new or old if in business ask us how we can help-NOW

Have a question e mail to us no cost or obligation: or call/Fax: 206-309-3784 24/7 for really fast help call 347-453-1732

Types of Financing

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Need some help?

Today your options for services needed by your business are dictated by one thing only credit.
How good it is how much your cash flow is and how much some else decides you can pay back.

All to often the element left out is you, your time and effort your ability to manage and run your business.

We are also a business that will look at your over all credit history and cash flow, however what we will also do is finds ways to help your the best rates and terms your business can. So what really makes us different is how we look at ways to help your credit profile and discover before applying for anything the best course to take.

So your in business have been for at least 6 months or more and, you need cash, a lease for equipment, cover new inventory, pay unexpected bills even consolidate high rate loans or credit cards, pay possible tax debts and then some. Even finance a customer ,client or patient purchase from you. Ask me how we can help now.

You never know how much we could do until you ask.

Helping improve your credit may just help you get to were your business needs to go now.
No matter the size , type new or old if in business ask us how we can help-NOW

Have a question e mail to us no cost or obligation: or call/Fax: 206-309-3784 24/7 for really fast help call 347-453-1732

Types of Financing

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Credit for you-NOW

Today of course good credit means $, it means those who you are looking to do business with as an individual, Jointly (couples) or as a business will normally decide what they will give you as rate and terms is based on CREDIT.

The higher the score the better the terms or conditions will be. So getting what you should be credit for  is the way to go.

However reality is the key to success, your credit report shows (normally) who you owe, how you pay and how much you pay  based on a set of fact, that are your business or life style.

That being said facts are facts, truth is truth and errors are to be corrected. So is the addition of information not reported.

WE don't  and we won't do challenges things that are true we do  things  are not true and correct.

So if your credit or lack of it is not becoming to you as a business . individual or jointly (Couples) ask us how we might be able to help now. No cost no obligation no kidding.

go ahead e mail us