Saturday, December 24, 2022

Take a stand say something together we can make a real difference

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

To all a safe and happy holiday season and a fantastic NEW YEAR 2023

Sunday, December 11, 2022

May we take this time to wish all a safe and happy holiday season may your stars always shine bright. We also would to ask that perhaps you could take a little time to help those in your community that might need a little help. Locally their are so many terrific groups like meals on wheels that always need help.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Do you trust the supreme court?? Do you believe the republican party is now gone and that lies, greed, bigotry and really spineless republicans are the rule? if so maybe just maybe its time to say so.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

As a country what have become and were are we going? We stand by while governors in some red states want to pass laws to restrict the right's of people to vote , for teachers to teach and, medical professions to serve a community. We have so called news station and their script readers lying for what MONEY? We have people elected on both the state and federal level who believe the enemy is democracy. Why simple you can't make money as an elected anything if you must play by the rules. Honestly greed is now the motive for many of the republicans. How much faith and trust do we now have in the supreme court? Is their any hope for the rest of us.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Is this something you uderstand?


Just trying something different

Please note its copy  right protected

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Have the voters had enough of out right lies that many republicans and fake news stations have spouted finally come back to bite them back. After all you can lie to some of voters some of the time but not all of the voters all the time.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Have the voters had enough of out right lies that many republicans and fake news stations have spouted finally come back to bite them back. After all you can lie to some of voters some of the time but not all of the voters all the time.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Ok so is really as simple as the rest of the country is lying while republicans tell the truth. Or is it that republicans would rather believe the big lies then get the facts for themselves??

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Ok more from the wonderful but dim witted republicans.OK so first how do we keep people who don't vote for us from voting. We make it a crime to give water while their waiting to vote. Now the party that wants government out of your life passes laws to decide who gets help. OK now they banned books they don't like and once again make it illegal to discuss medical stuff that they deemed illegal with the LGBT community. Oh they plan to save the economy but cutting social security then turn it over to what wall street to run (HA HA) Seniors you know your parents whom can hardly afford their food and medicine now Whom should you trust Trump and wall street?? Why do you think the British minister quite ? She followed the republican play book

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Is this up coming election really about whats t good for your state and country? Or is is it really about whats good for republican party that has decided that greed is good for them, that lies work and who really should have the right to vote?? And, your right to choice is not your right but what they want it to be. Think about this in Georgia if you take a glass or bottle of water from anyone while your waiting to vote its a criminal offense. That should be the key to what can happen . When lies work for them.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Republicans seem to prefer lies not the truth wonder why? Maybe are the only way they feel they can win.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Will this November elections be the last time we all have the right to vote? The republicans have decided that their lies and those who support it will destroy the most precious right all Americans have the freely vote. Its up to all to decide what will our future be.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Well how many of us are waiting to see if the supreme court has any integrity or not?? How low have we sunk?

Thursday, September 15, 2022

As a nation we have always faced challenges from home and from with out but never have we seen so many lies created to support bigotry and power for greed. Its up to all the voters to decide what type future of country we are going to have.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

No Title

As a nation we have reached the center of our cross roads. What kind of nation do we want . One were lies hunger for power and restricting people We don't like from voting. Tell half the country they no longer have the right to chose or make decisions about their body.? Your one voice your one vote matters now more then every before. VOTE its your call.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Your one vote means more today then ever before

Each and every day we see the efforts being made by republicans to tear apart out constitution first by lies next by passing voting rights restrictive laws now by what could be telling women what rights they have with their own choices. When you vote next keep in mind this nations future is truly in your hands  your  vote could mean to you and our nations future.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

On line success is building your brand

Normally the problem is not with posting to social media but what your not doing with your post that counts.Visit us at

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Getting local success is not expensive it should only work that way show your support

Confused about social media and what it really should be costing? Your not alone together we combine effective loyalty program along with tailored and timed postings to reach your market in your areas of coverage and business. Visit us at

Show your support for the people of Ukraine your one voice does matter.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Local social media succes is about whom you want to reach

Getting local social media success isn't costly its targeted its also specifically targeted.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

One voice does make a difference all you need do is use it

Our constitution is written on paper and ink its strength doesn't come from its words it comes from the those in our nation that support its words.It comes from those whom believe that democracy all though not yet perfect is worth protecting. Political lies and the cowards that support it should never drown out truths or democracy.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Admire the strength and honsety

You have to admire the fortitude of the UKARINE people they have established a famous saying to the russian military murders and their idiot leader "GO F YOURSELF.

Show your support for Ukraine

Have to admire the fortitude of the UKRAINE people their have a new saying for the russia military and their idiot leader's "GO F YOURSELVES". Help these brave people show your social media support your one voice does count and matter today.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Can the world truely unite to stop russia??

 Maybe and then again maybe not the supporters of political lies will see and understand lies kill. They kill women  old people UN-armed people and the most innocent of all baby's and children. A mad man hates his neighbors because they  freely vote, built a free independent nation. One murder called dictator  whom uses his military now fully known and seen to  the world to be murders and baby killers. Can you understand why  Trump and those who committed crimes must answer LEGALLY  for their crimes. No one Trump or Putin is and should be allowed to escape LEGAL  justice. Of course its up to the free human nations of the world to make that decision.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Social media not working getting a little mad?

Not reach your social media goal? need some ideas and maybe a little help? Visit us at

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

getting social local works now

Would it really be so bad if you got more local business? Visit us at

Friday, March 25, 2022

Successful socail Media posting the real secrets?

Want to know our secret to successful social media posting? 1-Know whom your trying to reach 2-Understand were they are on social media and, when 3-What their looking for at that moment of time 4-Communicate briefly but to the point with real value 5-Engage them Don't forget about voice searches to

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Lies do matter killing child and babies should to

The world now sees and knows that a manic dictator with lies and the support of baby killing military can destroy a once peaceful thriving country while the world watches. Stand up be countered your voice your voices on social media do matter say something now.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Lies do kill and hurm a nation

To the people of Ukraine we send our prays and support. WE see and know that the manic called putin is now a baby killer war criminal with a military killing unarmed people shooting children in the back trying to flee. Lies are the rules for dictators. Big lies to.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Your one voice does make a difference

One voice your voice can and does make a difference. Tell the world show your support for the people of UKRAINE . Tell the world about Russian military cowards killing the most innocent of innocent CHILDREN your one voice with so many others does make a difference.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

The question is why are you silent while babies die?

The world must shout out loud that from this day forward the Russian army and its commanders be know as "BABY KILLERS AND MURDERERS OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Whom they shoot in the back. An army killing UN-armed people for the excuse of a mad commander.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

War kills babies

The horror of war imposed by one mad man carried out by his equally mad  murderous so called soldiers we now know as baby killers.




Whats the real secret to successful social media posting (see below)

Whats the real secret to social media success? See attached.
Visit us at

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Its all about your money

Ok so sometimes this is how you feel about paying for social media services. Visit us at

Friday, March 4, 2022

Want the secret of succesfuly posting on social media?

 Step 1- Whom do you want to reach

Step-2 Why?

Step-3-were are they?

Step-4-Be brief be quick and motivate them

No mater whom you looking to reach commercial, residential, individuals/couples.

Attention span is short .

Need some help visit us at :

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

When mice becme Lions

The world now knows that even a mouse can turn into a lion when attacked by lies, greed, power and insane dictators. The world salutes Ukraine's and their strength. Also, we now know what a Ukraine smoothie is.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Mondays allways make you blue?

Don't let the Monday blues get you down we can help visit us at Social media works for small business today.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Its all about your money

Getting social on social media should not cost your business an arm or leg only work that way.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Some times you stay away

Running your own in store/business contest can be fun and financial rewarding. However remember we suggest that you stay away from anything that involves money. Use your service to make it happen. Visit

Monday, January 3, 2022

Free fior the asking (maybe)

Need some ideas to get things going visit us at or e mail us at business2000@mail2world. We will send the e book free no one will contact you

Sunday, January 2, 2022

How best to scare a republican? I am watching you"