Friday, December 31, 2021

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


Keep it short keep it simple and target your market-and visit us at

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Why vote?

One question is honesty less important then lies? That's a question only the American voters can answer. That's what are future will be or not. Have a safe New years to all

Sunday, December 26, 2021

NFT's might be a great way to make some extra money visit me at : or visit at for more information

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Sunday, December 19, 2021

ntroducing the newest collection from samie212 at: Art designed to open your minds are. The one here for NFT sale is the "The Runner".. Visit us and see what you think

Saturday, December 18, 2021

getting social is about understaning were, when and what

 Social media isn't a one shoe fits all approach and hope someone sees your as. its understanding were you market is and how best to reach them and when. Unlike days of the print ads today your message needs  to get across FAST. Give real value and offer something

One shoe fits all with social media no way

Social media isn't a one shoe fits all approach and hope someone sees your as. its understanding were you market is and how best to reach them and when. Unlike days of the print ads today your message get to get across FAST. Give real value and offer something more. Visit us at

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Before you invest get the facts (NFT's)

NFT's are the new possible way to make money visit my art for sale and see for yourself. Also visit us at and scroll down to review more information.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Silly holidays work

1-be creative 2-Their are hundreds silly holiday's you can use 3-have you tried really great loyalty programs many cost very very little to run 4-Give value real value 5-need some help ask Visit us at

Friday, December 3, 2021

One video worth what?

NFT's way to invest make money or is it a scam?? Visit us at

Thursday, November 11, 2021

NFT's a way to profit from your art or not

 Throughout this guide we are going to refer to a non-fungible token as an NFT. You may have heard of
this term recently as NFTs are making the headlines across the world. There are people spending a lot
of money on NFTs and we will explain how this happens and how you can get in on the action.
There has literally been a very quick emergence of NFTs during the last year or so. It seems that there
is an endless desire to acquire these digital assets and that people are prepared to pay crazy prices to
take ownership of them. Some experts are saying that the NFT bubble will quickly burst while others
believe that they will be around for a long time.
A Unique Digital Asset
An NFT is a unique digital asset that is a representation of an object in the real world. One of the most
common types of NFT is digital art. But NFTs are not limited to this. People buy and sell NFTs online
and they usually use cryptocurrency like Ethereum or Bitcoin to do this.
NFTs have actually been around for around 7 years now. Since 2017, people have spent over US $170
million on the purchase of NFTs. When we say that NFTs are unique this is not always the case. It is
possible to have a limited run of the same NFT. Each of these will have its own digital code which is
where the uniqueness comes in.
An NFT is a unique digital asset that cannot be directly replaced with another asset. This explains the
“non-fungible” aspect of its name. In contrast, a fungible token can be replaced by another that is
identical to it. Cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Bitcoin and Litecoin are all fungible.
Think about fiat currency here. One-dollar bills all have unique serial numbers on them but it is easy to
replace a one-dollar bill with another one-dollar bill. You cannot copy an NFT. Most digital files van be
copied and are not unique.
Page 5 of 36

Visit us at http:/

Monday, November 8, 2021

Its all about you

To some networking is a bad word to others it can mean use what you have and make it work painlessly and profitably. Ask how no cost no calls just e mail us at Or visit us at

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Get to were your business needs to go now

Know whom you want to reach (old and new)The idea is really simple give them something they want at a valued offer that motivates them to do something that benefits your business. Visit us at

Monday, October 25, 2021

Voting whom should and why not

Voting is our future do we want a republican party to destroy our rights to vote do we want greed and bigotry to to become our nation's political system . Their is a price to pay when to much greed rules a nation. Its up to you to decide what nation you want to have now and, into the future. WE need to vote in the light not dark.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Holiday Article

Did you know their are hundreds of odd ball holidays you can celebrate with your clients/customers and offer specials celebrate them in a fun way.Just visit : make it fun offer your specials to boost. Visit us at

Monday, October 11, 2021


Need some help improving your bottom line create a on line fun contest or offer (no money offering) get their attention offer value make ir fun and guess what its cost so little to. Visit us at

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Trust and equality and the rule of law along with that one word"CONSTITUTION" or lack of supporting it is being replaced by greed, political loyalty self serving interests and the intent to disregard their oath of office is now the hall mark of some of judicial system along an entire republican party nationwide. Its now clearly up to the voters to make a choice

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Friday, October 1, 2021

Anchor - The easiest way to make a podcast

Getting social LOCAL is reach your market without all the high coats. Visit us at

Anchor - The easiest way to make a podcast

Locally is your market and, we have some great ways to get your noticed. Some cost you almost nothing "REALLY". visit us at or

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Business today

Business has changed how and were you start has to so weather your starting on line or traditional brick and mortar business the one thing that has not changed you need to advertise and build a business and your brand. Ask us how we can help.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

From within

As a country the greatest danger we face today is not from terrorists from out side our country. Its from a an entire party called republicans that have decided that GREED, LIES and BIGOTRY means power.. The question really is do we let the republicans and really stupid governors continue to destroy our country or do we say something as a nation ??

Friday, September 10, 2021

We will once again take a moment of time to remember the lives of so many who lost their lives living their lives. We again will honor the men and women whom as first responders lost their lives that day and beyond that day.doing what they believed First responders should do answering our calls for help just as this did this past past year and beyond.We owe a debt of gratitude that we can honor by standing up to hate, lies and dishonor to those elected office don't care about life all life and their pain and suffering that a death from an unseen enemy called a virus kills over a thousand of our follow Americans each day. For what political power and greed.Lets honor all those we lost by standing up and being counted.

Friday, August 27, 2021

No Title

To our Marines and all those who lost their lives serving our Country and helping to save lives we owe you and yours a debt that can never be paid. We honor your service and extend our hearts and prays. Semper Fi Marines

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

No Title

Social Media success is all about reaching your market Getting noticed by consumers who have less and less attention span and getting them to do business with you now without expensive costs. Visit us

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Today we watched history repeating itself again. WE feel for those whom are left behind and what they fate might very well be. No matter how great a nation or well meaning its leaders are TRUST once broken again and again diminishes the strength of us all.

No Title

Effective communications that gets you noticed does not have to be costly just work. Visit us at

Monday, August 2, 2021

No Title

The enemy is lies the virus is real and people are dyeing get your shots be a real hero. DON'T lesson to the lies your live is in your hands not theirs.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Creativity comes from you

 The idea is simple and effective getting noticed on social media isn't a secret in fact its open to all.

What do you want to offer and why?

To whom do you want reach reach with your offer?

How do you reach them?

Is their more you could be doing that doesn't in time and money?

WE put it all together and use our creativity to make it work,

Visit us at http://

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

sandymans podcast

Building a business locally is all about getting noticed on social media its about assuring your business is set for voice search and what you have to offer. For some its new business for others it can be referrals and for some its loyalty their bigger counter parts OR can you? With out spending a great deal of time or money. So need some ideas? Visit us at programs. Small business owners really can't compete with you could visit us at: we keep our costs down and offer you ideas that make sense now.. Or just go to http//

Thursday, June 24, 2021

The pride we should now all confirm with the Joint Chief of Staff is something all members of our Military past, present and future should be a lesson in intelligence and honor VS the stupidity, greed and disgust the republican party is today.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

sandymans podcast

The age of voice search is here. With the proliferation of electronic assistants like Google, Alexa, and others, more and more people are using voice search by asking their electronic assistant questions. Are you ready for this?? Visit us at

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

No Title

Getting social getting noticed by your market not everyone's market. Its also about value and need.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Democracy is something that hangs by the balance of truth VS Lies, Greed and, bigotry VS humans. Its up to all of us to decide which side of the fence your on. Once you lose it then what?

Sunday, June 13, 2021

No Title

Crystal balls may work for some but, for the rest of us in the real world you end to target your market and learn to understand what will move them to buy from you need some help?

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

No Title

In business as with politics its really all connected what you do what you say or not or what you hide behind will come out

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

No Title

One picture is really worth a thousand words so posting to much is really wasting your time and effort. One picture can say it all. Visit us at

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Friday, May 28, 2021

E mail marketing does it reaLLY WORK??

In business is e mail marketing a lost cause? So really whats the best way to develop leads and sales for your business. Is GEO targeting the way to go? How about bonus marketing does that work? Today you have some options all you need do is ask visit us at

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

What part about "The truth is what we wnat it to be"

Ask yourself this do the republicans fear the truth in the Jan 6th commission or do they want to just lie themselves out of the truth cause they have much to hide??

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Today on America's national NURSE day we take this time to say thanks. You were their when families could not you became their families and you risked all to do so. To those we as a nation lost we remember.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Its official the republican party have a platform " Support the lies, do what your told mindless idiots, be a coward and change your mind according to fox news. Way to go republicans Karma is not nice to the fools.

Friday, April 30, 2021

Found a new platform, for the republican party

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Their may be something you can't do with social media.Yet it can work for you visit us at

Friday, April 23, 2021

Is life so disposable that so many don't care as long as its not my problem. Or should we all care about honesty and integrity from those in our police services? Good community relations is a two way street you get what you both give or not.

Monday, April 19, 2021

History repeats itself are we as a nation now reaching a point were one party is determined to separate us with bigotry, greed, hate or is their still time to change and support honesty instead of republican stupidity??

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Trust is the basis of any business relationship its comes with getting all the facts good or bad. Its the way you build a business future. Visit us at

Thursday, April 8, 2021

I wonder are lies so easy to believe or is it just a cover for what lies will do for them. Do the republicans really believe their own lies ?or is it really all about bigotry, greed, power no matter whom suffers??

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Success isn't just about a product or service its all about you in succeeding with it. Our development program isn't about making your successful know is about making others successful in your business. Its about all the elements that make you so special that will assist you in accomplishing your goals(s), as it as about will elements about you will not and what to do a about both. Visit us at

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Stop losing business Every day your serve a client or customer you losing MONY HOW? Simple once they leave your done. What if you gave them reason(s) to keep you in mind. What if your business offered them valued specials or an effective and promotional news letter. What if you did it without taking up your time? Possible yes how ask us.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Running business new or old is always going to cause your stress. Even more so as your grow. Our goal is to help you reduce that stress with an established program designed to help improve the ability of nee and old time staff to succeed, visit us at http://

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Simple effective ways to improve your bottom line. 1-Give real value 2-Reward your repeat customers/clients 3-Encourage new business Not costly very effective and it works today. Visit us at:

Friday, March 26, 2021

If you can't win an election honesty lets pass laws to steal it. The motto of the republican party. Greed is good bigotry is to and lie cheat and steal the way to win an election. Need more then a shower to wish off this crap.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

All to often this word “Value” is not used Your in business or maybe just getting started and like all other business your concern is both new business as well as repeat business. After all both add value to your bottom line. So why when your advertising your product or service is the use of real value left out? So what is real value? To us its something your market will consider as a motivational fact that will move them to buy. Here is were knowing and understand your market counts. Some business make a positive and on going effort to ask customers/clients a real effort to understand why they do business with your business and so much more. While others are afraid to ask why? Your can do this in so many simple ways and you can tie it in with a special offer for doing such. Understanding is knowledge and can lead to a more effective and profitable business. Visit us at

Saturday, March 20, 2021

To the republican party you get what you lie about

Monday, March 15, 2021

The art of the steel

 First you crate a big lie then you get others to support it then you steal from others to help yourself,

Or in reality you lie about an election, your get your elected flunkies to support it throw in a few phony news stations and you now have  the new republican party trying to block voters whom don't vote for them,

Science  fiction writers could not even make this up if they tried only its reality presented by the RNC .


Saturday, March 13, 2021

Can win honestly lie cheat and steal welcome to the new republican party.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Remember the number 43 republicans who want tax brakes for the rich and no help for the rest of America. The business of America is business to the republicans its all for their rich not for small business or the American tax payers. They believe their own lies .

Saturday, February 13, 2021

The stain on the republican party is now complete it clearly shown its now the most GREEDY, CROOKED, SPINLESS group of elected morons in history and nothing the low life from Kentucky can ever say will change that for ever.
Now for the lighter side social media get their attention

Friday, February 12, 2021

The new medical condition called Washington republicans: 1-loss of hearing (from the truth) 2-Can't see beyond their noises (greed) 3-Can't find their spines

Monday, February 8, 2021

Success on social media is selling your sizzle not the stock. Visit us at

Sunday, February 7, 2021

getting noticed on social media is doing it quick, with a relativistic beneficial offer targeted to your market. Visit us at

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Anchor - The easiest way to make a podcast

Its really about selling the sizzle not YOUR OFFER visit us at

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Want to get your business noticed on social media? Sell the sizzle not the steak. Visit us at

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Words do matter so does who supports those words and, their effects. Should those who freely and knowingly encourage and support those lies be held legally responsible for their effects? Justice in our courts is the only way to clear the air.

Friday, January 29, 2021

No Title

How you use social media and whom your target with what? makes all the difference. Visit us at

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

No Title

Its not how much you post its the value you offer.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

No Title

You could do this to ge3t noticed or just use social media

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Maybe we should stop and take a moment to say thanks to all those men and women whom pay the price because of those who won't simply won't wear a mask and believed the lies. These brave men and women payed the price for your stupidly. We all should say thanks and, remember those we lost.

Monday, January 18, 2021

No Title

Getting noticed local on social media is all about you its also about doing things differently so we say sell the sizzle not the steak.

No Title


Saturday, January 16, 2021

Hate has a mission to support the lies from the white house and the republicans. They opened the door to hate with their lies. Now we see the results. They and only they can close it (Maybe)

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

No Title

Go after your market, get their attention, give them something of value. Welcome to social media success.

Monday, January 11, 2021

The right to PEACEFULLY protest is well written in our country's history.No were does that right extend to elected offices to support lies and to encourage riots and to do harm.

Friday, January 8, 2021

It appears the RATS ARE LEAVING THE SINKING SHIP. OUR Hearts go out to the family of a Capital Police offer who lost his life defending our government while the cowards took pictures with the murders

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The pain and suffering caused by so many weak and greedy republicans accomplished what wars and cyber attacks could not attack our country from within. Do bigots and lies still rule? Our laws and constitution must prevail.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Account Suspended

Burning to much money and time on social media? Maybe we can help? Visit us at

Saturday, January 2, 2021

No Title

The business of America is business and, our passion is to help you spread the word about yours. Doing it effectively , timely and at costs that make sense. Helping you to grow is simply all we do.

No Title

Change happens and change is good. Yet the un-equal balnce of wealth and power detecting who counts and who doesn't has shown by the republicans that only they count. Greed. bigotry, lies give them power.Voting takes that away from them.